The player can then click Continue to enter the Plan Build UI for station construction. Plots placed in Xenon or unowned sectors will not need to pay anything. The tax costs between 1,000 and 7,000 credits per km 3 depending on location and notoriety with the faction who owns the sector. If the player ignores the tax the owning faction of the sector will attack any station modules built in that plot. The player then has the choice to pay the Real Estate Transfer Tax for the plot or to ignore it. Click the Create New Plot button to be able to place the plot of the selected size on the map along the ecliptic by left clicking. In the middle are sliders for adjusting the size of the plot relative to the centre with the sum of the directions along an axis being able to range from 1-20. Open the Manage Plots tab of the Map and select a New Plot from the list at the top.
Stations which can be visited are not limited to just NPCs, the player can also construct their own stations from small factories to supply a local niche in demand to self sufficient mega complexes and fortresses to control regions of space.